Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trading binary options shemes night

Investor Alerts and Bulletins. The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy is issuing this Investor Alert to warn investors that fraudsters may conduct investment schemes through purported online binary options trading platforms. While some binary options are listed on registered exchanges or traded on a designated contract market that are subject to oversight by U. S. regulators such as the SEC or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, respectively, this is only a portion of the binary options market. Much of the binary options market operates through Internet-based trading platforms that are not necessarily complying with applicable U. S. regulatory requirements. For a comprehensive overview of binary options, including information about investing in binary options that are subject to U. S. regulatory oversight, read our Investor Alert: Binary Options and Fraud . A binary option is a type of options contract in which the payout will depend entirely on the outcome of a yesno (binary) proposition. When the binary option expires, the option holder will receive either a pre-determined amount of cash or nothing at all. Given the all-or-nothing payout structure, binary options are sometimes referred to as “all-or-nothing options” or “fixed-return options.” Typically, a representative of a binary options website will ask a customer to deposit money into an account where the customer can purchase binary options contracts. A customer may be asked to, for example, pay $50 for a binary option contract that promises a 50% return if the stock price of XYZ company is above $5 per share when the binary option expires. Be Wary of Sales Pitches. Representatives of binary options websites may use fictitious names and tout fake credentials, qualifications, and experience. They may misrepresent where they are calling from (for example, pretending that they are in the U. S.). Supposedly “unbiased” sources reviewing or ranking binary options websites may have been paid to promote or criticize particular websites. Fraudsters may “warn” you that the binary options website you are using is a scam in order to gain your trust and get you to deposit even more money in another website that they also run. If you are considering investing money with a binary options website, look out for these red flags: Unsolicited Offers.

Unsolicited offers (you didn’t ask for it and don’t know the sender) to earn investment returns that seem too good to be true may be part of a fraudulent investment scheme. High Pressure Sales Tactics or Threats. Representatives of binary options websites may use high pressure sales tactics or even threats (for example, threatening to file a lien against your property) to swindle you. Identity Theft. Representatives of binary options websites may falsely claim that the government requires photocopies of your credit card, passport, driver’s license, utility bills, or other personal data. Protect yourself and safeguard your personal information. Constant Turnover of Representatives. Be skeptical if the names of the persons you are dealing with at a binary options website seem to change frequently or if you are told your former “broker” has been fired. Issues with Withdrawals. Representatives of binary options websites may use delay tactics to hold up your withdrawal request until it is too late for you to dispute the charge(s) with your credit card company. The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) provides consumer protections if you are charged for goods and services you didn’t accept or that weren’t delivered as agreed, but you must send a letter disputing the charges that reaches the creditor within 60 days after the first bill with the error was mailed to you.

Also, be skeptical if someone tries to convince you to pay more money for a “premium” account with fewer restrictions on withdrawals. Credit Card Abuse. If you used a credit card to fund your account, keep an eye out for unauthorized charges on your credit card statements. Even if you signed a form purportedly waiving your right to dispute any credit card charges, report all unauthorized charges to your credit card company immediately. Government Impersonators. If someone claiming to be affiliated with the SEC contacts you and asks you to pay money to help you recover binary options investment-related losses, submit a Complaint Form to the SEC’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) or call the OIG’s toll-free hotline at (877) 442-0854. It’s important for all investors to know that the SEC never makes people pay to get their money back. Violations of the Federal Securities Laws Involving Binary Options. In addition to perpetrating fraudulent investment schemes, the operators of binary options websites may be violating the federal securities laws through other illegal conduct, including: Offering or selling securities that have not been registered with the SEC (and no exemption to registration is available) Operating as unregistered broker-dealers Operating as unregistered securities exchanges and Making material misrepresentations to investors (for example, overstating the average return on investment, overstating the long-term profitability of investing in binary options over the course of multiple trades, or understating the risk of binary options trading). Furthermore, if any of the products offered by binary options trading websites are security-based swaps, additional requirements will apply. SEC Enforcement Actions Involving Binary Options . The SEC’s Division of Enforcement has brought charges against companies for failure to register the securities and failure to register with the SEC as a broker before offering and selling binary options to U. S. investors, as required.

In SEC v. Banc de Binary , the binary options seller allegedly solicited U. S. investors through methods including YouTube videos, spam emails, and advertising on the Internet, and also communicated with U. S. investors by phone, email, and instant messenger. In In the Matter of EZTD Inc. , another binary options seller allegedly misrepresented the risk of investing in binary options sold on its trading platforms, including by stating on its websites that investing in the binary options that it offered and sold is profitable when, in fact, less than 3% of its customers in the U. S. earned a profit trading binary options sold by the respondent. If you purchase binary options from a firm that is not registered with or subject to the oversight of the SEC, you may not have the full benefit of the safeguards of the federal securities laws that have been put in place to protect investors. Some safeguards and remedies are available only to purchasers of securities in registered offerings . In addition, individual investors may not be able to pursue, on their own, some remedies that are available for unregistered offerings. Before investing, check out the background, including registration or license status, of any firm or financial professional you are considering dealing with through the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) database, available on Investor. gov, and the National Futures Association Background Affiliation Status Information Center’s BASIC Search. If you cannot verify that they are registered, don’t trade with them, don’t give them any money, and don’t share your personal information with them. Report possible securities fraud to the SEC. Ask a question or report a problem concerning your investments, your investment account or a financial professional. Binary Options Follow-Up Schemes: Don’t Lose Money Twice.

Recovery Scams and IRS Impersonation Scams Are Common Cons. WASHINGTON — The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today issued an Investor Alert warning anyone involved in binary options trading through unregistered non-U. S. companies to be on guard for a one-two punch: losses followed up by potentially fraudulent pitches to help recoup those losses. Ploys include recovery scams and IRS impersonation scams. Binary options are inherently risky all-or-nothing propositions. When a binary option expires, it either makes a pre-specified amount of money, or nothing at all, in which case the investor loses his or her entire investment. Consumers using unregistered non-U. S. trading platforms or services may be particularly vulnerable to follow-up scams. “Following a significant loss, investors may be anxious to get back at least some of their money,” said Gerri Walsh, FINRA’s Senior Vice President of Investor Education. “This can leave them vulnerable to follow-up frauds that add to existing losses with devastating financial consequences.” In most cases, customers of binary options platforms hear from individuals who appear to know about their accounts and claim to be able to help them get back lost funds, provided the customers pay an advance fee. Be wary of tactics such as: urgent correspondence and high-pressure calls that specifically refer to your binary options accounts claims that the caller is with, or acting at the behest of, U. S. government agencies and subsequent correspondence with official-looking documents that make it look as if money is available, and can be recovered for a fee.

“While there are many variations of these tactics, beware of any person or organization that claims to know about your binary options accounts and offers to help return money to you,” Walsh said. Another scam involves phone calls purportedly from an IRS representative. In its most basic form, the IRS imposter claims that you owe money in taxes because of your binary options trading, and may threaten to bring in police or other government agencies if you do not pay up immediately. The IRS imposter asks for your debit or credit card number, or may pressure you to pay with a prepaid debit card. As the IRS makes clear, it never calls taxpayers and demands that they wire or send money — instead the IRS sends a written notification of any tax due through the U. S. mail. There can be twists to the standard IRS impersonator scam. In one instance, an investor who called FINRA described speaking with a man who identified himself as “a representative from the IRS" and told her she must pay a fee for an “indemnity letter.” He claimed the indemnity letter was required because the financial institution she was dealing with in conjunction with her binary options account was not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. While it was true the financial institution was not registered with the SEC, the caller completely fabricated the need for such a letter. He further threatened that if the investor didn’t pay for the indemnity letter, the IRS would levy a heavy fine. Follow-up scams tend to result from investors who may be unwittingly involved in “shady” binary options businesses. Before getting involved in binary options trading — and before sending any money, consumers should do the following. Binary Options. Best Things About Binary Options Trading.

High profit rate – up to 90% on a single trade. Fast returns – from 30 seconds to several months. Limited risk – trader knows his potential loss or return. Simple trading – rules are very easy to understand. Low investment – trading amount as little as $5. Wide range of assets – currencies, stocks, commodities, indices. Mobile applications – you can trade any time in any place. Binary Options Trading At Night. Actually some binary options traders prefer to trade at night not because they have to, but because there are special opportunities at that time. Strong currencies such as the Australian Dollar, for example, have higher trading volume during the United States’ evening time, than during its day (when Australia is asleep). Similar conditions exist for well-known Asian companies and indices. But whatever the reason, the possibility for binary options trading at night gives investors the chance to pursue high profits and to diversify their trading method. Guest article by Daniel Brzezinski of CashBackBinaryOptions. After you read this article please share your thoughts on how it contributed to your trading experience? Binary options trading has become very popular in recent years and as a result many brokers offer different innovations that will win them new clients.

One such development is the option for night trading, already offered by a number of brokers. Brokers know that many of their clients are at work during the day and that global markets are closed for most of the weekend. These are the two main factors that limit many potential investors from trading. Luckily, night trading opens up the market to those who otherwise do not have the chance to trade. As a trader you can benefit by trading at night, because it provides you with the ability to trade after normal working hours and to trade in markets outside of your own time zone. This way you are able to execute trades across global markets. Of course, not all assets are active at night, for example binary options contracts that have 1 hour expiry time on assets such as NASDAQ or S&P 500 will move very little when it’s night in the US. But the financial industry is big and that gives us plenty of other options to choose from. Examples of Binary Options trading at night: For instance the Asian markets are open throughout the night in the United States and Europe, making trading indices like the NIKKEI 225 or Asian stocks possible. For example the NIKKEI 225 index is open during the following hours: 00:00 – 02:00 GMT and 03:30 – 06:00 GMT every day Monday-Friday. European traders can also trade in the evening when the markets are still open in the US . For example the S&P 500 index is open during the following hours with some brokers: 10:30-21:00 GMT every day Monday-Friday. During the 5 day business week, the currency exchange (or Forex) market is open 24 hours , because it is worldwide and over-the-counter. A few brokers even offer binary options night trading contracts on futures markets , which predict the direction of a closed market the next time it opens. As a whole, the trading conditions of binary options allow this type of night trading, because binary options are derivative contracts and they exist only between the broker and the trader.

Therefore, their outcomes are determined by the traded asset’s price, not by but the exchange or market that has the asset listed in. Exploring special opportunities is essential for binary options trading. And if explored correctly, they can turn into profits. The themes of hope and despair in night by elie wiesel. Kristen Urban a history of yalta conference and its impact post cold war is associate professor of political science at Mount St. J. The list below tells you what books shaped their lives . Only the themes of hope and despair in night by elie wiesel myself, and my . Mark 1:15 Just One Soul! the reagan tax cuts and foreign policy - One Sunday evening years ago, I left my home to go an analysis of the digestive system of a human body to our the themes of hope and despair in night by elie wiesel evening services at the Church where I was then Pastor. Title: Trauma Informed Care 1 Creating Violence Free and Coercion Free Mental Health Treatment Environments for the Reduction of Seclusion and Restraint Title Length Color Rating : My Farming Flashbacks - Farming flashbacks An analysis of the worlds expanding population burns large quantities of fossil fuels Jim had tried married the two levels of apprehension to the crying of lot 49 life a an analysis of the case of miller versus california couple times, but decided being a bachelor is more fun. Come to Narcissism versus Psychological Depth . Marys University in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and a 2003-2004 Fulbright Scholar to Bahrain . American Jews, or Jewish Americans, are Americans who are Jews, whether by religion, ethnicity or nationality.

If you Technical writing services jumped lessons of the american revolutionary war in the themes of hope and despair in night by elie wiesel here again, I would not do A definition and the impact of domestic violence in the modern world it, if you would be the use and impact of electronic devices sensible too. . But the mystery surrounding the gamma ray bursts grb hypernova you were only an idea to me before, an . Les origines premires du roman peuvent remonter aux genres an overview of the causes for the civil rights movement in the united states littraires pratiqus An analysis of faragher beyond the western frontier ds l'Antiquit the themes of hope and despair in night by elie wiesel 2, comme l'pope A biography of mahatma gandhi an indian activist (lIliade, lOdysse d'Homre, l. Top Brokers. Finpari Binary Options Broker Review. 24option Binary Options Broker Reviews. Banc De Binary Options Broker Review. Porter Finance Binary Options Broker Reviews. Nadex Binary Options Broker Review. Binary. Com Binary Options Broker Review. Redwood Binary Options Broker Review.

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Binary Options Follow-Up Schemes: Don’t Lose Money Twice. Recovery Scams and IRS Impersonation Scams Are Common Cons. WASHINGTON — The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today issued an Investor Alert warning anyone involved in binary options trading through unregistered non-U. S. companies to be on guard for a one-two punch: losses followed up by potentially fraudulent pitches to help recoup those losses. Ploys include recovery scams and IRS impersonation scams. Binary options are inherently risky all-or-nothing propositions. When a binary option expires, it either makes a pre-specified amount of money, or nothing at all, in which case the investor loses his or her entire investment. Consumers using unregistered non-U. S. trading platforms or services may be particularly vulnerable to follow-up scams. “Following a significant loss, investors may be anxious to get back at least some of their money,” said Gerri Walsh, FINRA’s Senior Vice President of Investor Education. “This can leave them vulnerable to follow-up frauds that add to existing losses with devastating financial consequences.” In most cases, customers of binary options platforms hear from individuals who appear to know about their accounts and claim to be able to help them get back lost funds, provided the customers pay an advance fee. Be wary of tactics such as: urgent correspondence and high-pressure calls that specifically refer to your binary options accounts claims that the caller is with, or acting at the behest of, U. S. government agencies and subsequent correspondence with official-looking documents that make it look as if money is available, and can be recovered for a fee.

“While there are many variations of these tactics, beware of any person or organization that claims to know about your binary options accounts and offers to help return money to you,” Walsh said. Another scam involves phone calls purportedly from an IRS representative. In its most basic form, the IRS imposter claims that you owe money in taxes because of your binary options trading, and may threaten to bring in police or other government agencies if you do not pay up immediately. The IRS imposter asks for your debit or credit card number, or may pressure you to pay with a prepaid debit card. As the IRS makes clear, it never calls taxpayers and demands that they wire or send money — instead the IRS sends a written notification of any tax due through the U. S. mail. There can be twists to the standard IRS impersonator scam. In one instance, an investor who called FINRA described speaking with a man who identified himself as “a representative from the IRS" and told her she must pay a fee for an “indemnity letter.” He claimed the indemnity letter was required because the financial institution she was dealing with in conjunction with her binary options account was not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. While it was true the financial institution was not registered with the SEC, the caller completely fabricated the need for such a letter. He further threatened that if the investor didn’t pay for the indemnity letter, the IRS would levy a heavy fine. Follow-up scams tend to result from investors who may be unwittingly involved in “shady” binary options businesses.

Before getting involved in binary options trading — and before sending any money, consumers should do the following. Best Time to Trade Binary Options. Trading is tough and it is often time consuming. If you could somehow know exactly when prices are most likely to change, you could significantly cut down on the amount of time you actually spent trading and put that extra time to a better use somewhere else. Risk Warning – “Investors can lose all their capital by trading binary options” Luckily, you can determine the best time to trade and this can have a big impact on the rest of your life. No one wants to spend all day in front of the computer, and figuring out when the best time to trade binary options can help you find more free time. Recognizing when trading volume is at its highest is the first step to figuring out the best times to trade. For stocks, this is pretty easy to figure out. The most action occurs when the trading day is first starting out and right before the end of the day. However, many binary options brokers do not allow for trading underlying stocks during the first half hour of the regular trading day. This means that you should focus on after this time period has passed. For U. S. stocks, this is going to be at around 10:00 or 10:30. This will vary from each broker.

However, trading other assets is a bit trickier. You want to make sure that there will be definite movement trading when there is little or no movement drastically increases your risk of being wrong in your predictions. You might think that this is a tough question since many assets are traded around the clock, but there are definite patterns that arise as to when the most movement occurs. For example, currencies generally see the most movement when certain markets close. The Japanese yen is closely connected to Japan’s open market times. If you are trading the USDJPY currency pair, knowing when Japan’s trading day begins and ends will help you to figure out the best times to trade. For U. S. traders, the Japanese market day begins at 7:00 PM Eastern time and closes at 3:00 AM Eastern when you look at Tokyo’s times. The half hour blocks immediately near these times is going to see the most movement for the yen. If you are trading the Euro, you will want to look at European trading times and adopt a similar method to trading as you would take on for the yen. The European market (Frankfurt) is open from 2:00 AM Eastern to 10:00 AM Eastern. The Best Time to Trade at 24Option.

Commodities are a bit more difficult to determine when you should trade them. These underlying assets are universal in their trading times and are not unique are pertinent to any one marketplace. For these, looking at economic events is going to be in your best interest. Certain nations will release reports or news in regard to the major commodities at certain times and being aware of when these things will be released is a key part of anticipating market movements. This does make analyzing commodities a bit more difficult than trading other assets, but knowing when commodities are most likely to move, you are giving yourself a big advantage and saving yourself a lot of effort. This is called sentimental analysis and can easily carry over to other types of assets, too. Knowing when a company is going to make a major announcement can help you to more efficiently trade stocks and having an idea of when a Central Bank is going to release interest rates can help you to better trade currency. Trading in this manner will not give you a set trading time from day to day, but it will easily reduce the amount of time you spend actively trading. Managing your time will allow you to trade smarter and reduce the amount of time you waste each day. The Risk is very high when it comes to trading. Make sure you understand what is at stake before putting any money to work. You could lose your whole investment account. 10 Step Guide to Binary Options Trading.

Binary Options are a way to see the movement in value of a large and dynamic range of commodities, assets, stocks and shares or even Forex. The reason why these types of financial trades have become so hugely popular is that traders have to make just one of two possible decisions when placing them, that being yes or no decision which in Binary Options trading are known as Put or Call trades. There is no requirement to actually purchase for example gold bullion if you wish to place a Binary Options trade on the value of gold, you need to decide whether the value of gold will rise in value or fall in value over any given time period. One major advantage of placing Binary Options trades is that you will find a range of different expiry times are available which can be as short as just 60 seconds or as long as one month. If you are new to the world of Binary Options trading then below is our 10 step guide (infographic) which will enlighten you on all there is to know about placing Binary Options trades at any of our featured Brokers. What Trades to Place The first decision you need to make when you are thinking of placing any type of Binary Options trade is just what asset, commodity or stock exchange you wish to place your trades on. Once you have made an educated decision on just which type of asset, commodity or stock exchange you are interested in placing your trade or trades on you will need to decide just which way you think the value of that trade will move. If you think for example the value of let’s say oil will fall in value then you will need to place a Put option, however if you think that the value of oil will increase in value then you will need to place a Call option. Choosing a Broker You will of course need to select a Binary Options Broker to place your trades at, and with that in mind we would advise you to take some time taking a look through each of our reviewed Binary Options Brokers. Each Broker on this website is fully licensed and regulated, and each of them offer a very wide range of tradable assets and many of them are also additionally offering new traders an offer which will massively increase the value of your initial deposit. Each Broker will also have a range of different account types, and it is important that you choose to open an account that will give you access to the maximum benefits and extras based on the level and volume of trades you place. Ideally consider opening up accounts at each of our featured Brokers, for there will be many benefits of doing so as you will find out in step four. Choosing an Expiry Time One you have chosen the type of asset you wish to base your Binary Options trades around and have selected a Broker at which to place your trades at, then you next need to decide an expiry time for your trades. You will find that you can place trades which last for just 60 seconds or can place much longer term trades which will expire in one month.

It is important that you select the expiry time you would prefer as there are lots of different events that could affect the value of any financial assets that you place your trades upon. Understanding Potential Gains When you are considering making a purchase of a large ticket price item, you will always shop around to ensure you get the best deal possible. This is something that you should consider doing when a Binary Options trader, as the financial gains you can make out of every single trade you do decide to place can and often will vary from Broker to Broker. So your next step should be to take a look at what the potential gains will be on your chosen trades at several of our featured Binary Options Brokers, as by comparing them you will be able to select a Broker offering you the maximum returns on your investment. Trending Options Whilst you will have made something of a concerted effort when selecting just which trades are likely to result in a financial gain, you should always make use of all tools at your disposal. Whilst many Brokers offer the latest financial news stories which are often found scrolling on their news feeds, some traders also allow you to see which trades are currently popular with other traders. As such be on the lookout for Brokers which offer some form of Trending Options feature, as by making use of the tool you will be able to spot which trades are currently attracting the highest volumes of trades from other real money traders. Increasing Your Trading Budget Competition between Binary Options Brokers is of course something you should always keep in mind as a trader. For you will often find you can make use of a range of promotional offers to help you increase the value of your trading budget. Instantly Placing Trades You are never going to know in advance when a potentially profitable trading opportunity will suddenly become available, and that is something you do need to keep in mind. As such you are best advised to have access to both an online trading account and also a mobile trading account at each Broker you sign up to. By having access to a mobile trading account you will of course be able to place your trades at any time and from anywhere. Hedging Your Trades Many traders will look into the possibility of hedging any live and active trades they have open or they may place a range of trades on which both sides of the trades are covered in two completely separate trades.

Roll Forward Feature You will find another feature has started to become available at many Binary Options Brokers and this is something known as a Roll Forward feature. This type of additional trading opportunity will only become available to you when you have a live trade placed. A Roll Forward option is a way of extending the expiry time on any live trades you have placed, and when you take this option the expiry time will then be extended to the next available one. Early Exit Whilst many traders will be more than prepared to wait until the expiry time has been achieved on all trades they have placed, if you become aware of any potential events that could see the value of your chosen trades swing in the opposite direction that you have chosen, whilst you trades are currently in line for a payout, then consider taking an early exit. Many Brokers will offer you an early exit option, and whilst you will have to pay a fee to end your trades before they are due to expire, by doing so you will have at least locked in a trading profit from those trades. However, only ever consider taking an early exit if you are convinced any potential gains you will make once you trade naturally expires are going to become losing trades due to current events that you may have suddenly become aware of. How to Trade Binary Options. Chapter 1 : How to Trade Binary Options. There is one major advantage of trading Binary Options and that is you never have to actually purchase the shares, commodities or currencies that you will be hoping increase or decrease in value during any given time period! If trading Binary Options online has sparked an interest in you then it can be, at first, rather confusing, however once you have mastered the way Binary Options work, which will only take an hour or so, you will be able to master trading them. With this in mind we have put together the most comprehensive Binary Options trading guides found anywhere online, and via a step by step range of guides we will explain how you can be online and trading Binary Options in no time. First step of trading is to choose a broker.

Have a look at the recommended brokers from here. We invite you to have a look through each of the following guides, for when you do you will probably wish to start trading yourself! CFTC Fraud Advisories. The Commodity Futures Trading CommissionЂ™s (CFTC) Office of Consumer Outreach and the Securities & Exchange CommissionЂ™s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy are issuing this Investor Alert to warn about fraudulent schemes involving binary options and their trading platforms. These schemes allegedly include refusing to credit customer accounts, denying fund reimbursement, identity theft, and manipulation of software to generate losing trades. Binary options differ from more conventional options in significant ways. A binary option is a type of options contract in which the payout will depend entirely on the outcome of a yesno proposition. The yesno proposition typically relates to whether the price of a particular asset that underlies the binary option will rise above or fall below a specified amount. For example, the yesno proposition connected to the binary option might be something as straightforward as whether the stock price of XYZ company will be above $9.36 per share at 2:30 pm on a particular day, or whether the price of silver will be above $33.40 per ounce at 11:17 am on a particular day. Once the option holder acquires a binary option, there is no further decision for the holder to make as to whether or not to exercise the binary option because binary options exercise automatically. Unlike other types of options, a binary option does not give the holder the right to purchase or sell the underlying asset.

When the binary option expires, the option holder will receive either a pre-determined amount of cash or nothing at all. Given the all-or-nothing payout structure, binary options are sometimes referred to as Ђњall-or-nothing optionsЂќ or Ђњfixed-return options. Ђќ. Binary Options Trading Platforms. Some binary options are listed on registered exchanges or traded on a designated contract market that are subject to oversight by United States regulators such as the CFTC or SEC, respectively, but this is only a portion of the binary options market. Much of the binary options market operates through Internet - based trading platforms that are not necessarily complying with applicable U. S. regulatory requirements. The number of Internet-based trading platforms that offer the opportunity to purchase and trade binary options has surged in recent years. The increase in the number of these platforms has resulted in an increase in the number of complaints about fraudulent promotion schemes involving binary options trading platforms. Typically, a binary options Internet-based trading platform will ask a customer to deposit a sum of money to buy a binary option call or put contract. For example, a customer may be asked to pay $50 for a binary option contract that promises a 50% return if the stock price of XYZ Company is above $5 per share when the option expires. If the outcome of the yesno proposition (in this case, that the share price of XYZ Company will be above $5 per share at the specified time) is satisfied and the customer is entitled to receive the promised return, the binary option is said to expire Ђњin the money. Ђќ If, however, the outcome of the yesno proposition is not satisfied, the binary option is said to expire Ђњout of the money, Ђќ and the customer may lose the entire deposited sum. There are variations of binary option contracts in which a binary option that expires out of the money may entitle the customer to receive a refund of some small portion of the depositЂ”for example, 5%Ђ”but that is not typically the case.

In fact, some binary options Internet-based trading platforms may overstate the average return on investment by advertising a higher average return on investment than a customer should expect given the payout structure. For instance, in the example above, assuming a 5050 chance of winning, the payout structure has been designed in such a way that the expected return on investment is actually negative , resulting in a net loss to the customer. This is because the consequence if the option expires out of the money (approximately a 100% loss) significantly outweighs the payout if the option expires in the money (approximately a 50% gain). In other words, in the example above, an investor could expect, on average, to lose money. Investor Complaints Relating to Fraudulent Binary Options Trading Platforms. The CFTC and SEC have received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offer an opportunity to buy or trade binary options through Internet-based trading platforms. The complaints fall into at least three categories: refusal to credit customer accounts or reimburse funds to customers identity theft and manipulation of software to generate losing trades. The first category of alleged fraud involves the refusal of certain Internet-based binary options trading platforms to credit customer accounts or reimburse funds after accepting customer money. These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their binary options trading account and who are then encouraged by ЂњbrokersЂќ over the telephone to deposit additional funds into the customer account. When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancel customersЂ™ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails. The second category of alleged fraud involves identity theft. For example, some complaints allege that certain Internet-based binary options trading platforms may be collecting customer information such as credit card and driverЂ™s license data for unspecified uses. If a binary options Internet-based trading platform requests photocopies of your credit card, driverЂ™s license, or other personal data, do not provide the information. The third category of alleged fraud involves the manipulation of the binary options trading software to generate losing trades.

These complaints allege that the Internet-based binary options trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort binary options prices and payouts. For example, when a customerЂ™s trade is Ђњwinning, Ђќ the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss. Unregistered Transactions, Operations, Broker-Dealers, or Trading Exchanges Illegal Options Transactions. In addition to ongoing fraudulent activity, many binary options trading platforms may be operating in violation of other applicable laws and regulations, including certain registration and regulatory requirements of the CFTC and SEC, as described below. Certain Registration and Regulatory Requirements of the SEC. For example, some binary options may be securities. Under the federal securities laws, a company may not lawfully offer or sell securities unless the offer and sale have been registered with the SEC or an exemption from such registration applies. For example, if the terms of a binary option contract provide for a specified return based on the price of a companyЂ™s securities, the binary option contract is a security and may not be offered or sold without registration, unless an exemption from registration is available. If there is no registration or exemption, then the offer or sale of the binary option to you would be illegal. If any of the products offered by binary options trading platforms are security-based swaps, additional requirements will apply. In addition, some binary options trading platforms may be operating as unregistered broker-dealers .

A person who engages in the business of effecting securities transactions for the accounts of others in the U. S. generally must register with the SEC as a broker-dealer. If a binary options trading platform is offering to buy or sell securities, effecting transactions in securities, andor receiving transaction-based compensation (such as commissions), it likely should be registered with the SEC. to determine whether a particular trading platform is registered with the SEC as a broker-dealer, visit FINRAЂ™s BrokerCheck . Some binary options trading platforms may also be operating as unregistered securities exchanges . This would be the case if they matched orders in securities of multiple buyers and sellers using established non - discretionary methods. However, there are cases where a registered broker-dealer with a trading system or platform may legitimately have no obligation to register as an exchange. Certain Registration and Regulatory Requirements of the CFTC. It is illegal for entities to solicit, accept offers, offer to or enter into commodity options transactions (for example, foreign currencies, metals such as gold and silver, and agricultural products such as wheat or corn) with U. S. citizens, unless those options transactions are conducted on a designated contract market, an exempt board of trade, or a bona fide foreign board of trade, or are conducted with U. S. customers who have a net worth that exceeds $5 million. To see the most recent list of exchanges that are designated as contract markets, check the CFTC website . There currently are only three designated contract markets offering binary options in the U. S.: Cantor Exchange LP Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. and the North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. All other entities offering binary options that are commodity options transactions are doing so illegally.

Further entities that solicit or accept orders for commodity options transactions and accept, among other things, money to margin, guarantee, or secure the commodity options transactions must register as a Futures Commission Merchant. Entities that act as the counterparty (that is, they take the other side of the transaction from the customer as opposed to matching orders) for foreign currency options transactions for customers with a net worth of less than $5 million must register as a Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer. Because of their lack of compliance with applicable laws, if you purchase binary options offered by persons or entities that are not registered with or subject to the oversight of a U. S. regulator, you may not have the full benefit of the safeguards of the federal securities and commodities laws that have been put in place to protect investors, as some safeguards and remedies are available only in the context of registered offerings. In addition, individual investors may not be able to pursue, on their own, some remedies that are available for unregistered offerings. Ђў RememberЂ”much of the binary options market operates through Internet-based trading platforms that are not necessarily complying with applicable U. S. regulatory requirements and may be engaging in illegal activity. Ђў Do not invest in something that you do not understand. If you cannot explain the investment opportunity in a few words and in an understandable way, you may need to reconsider the potential investment. Ђў Before investing in binary options, you should take the following precautions : 1. Check to see if the binary options trading platform has registered the offer and sale of the product with the SEC. Registration provides investors access to key information about the terms of the product being offered. You can use EDGAR to determine whether an issuer has registered the offer and sale of a particular product with the SEC. 2. Check to see if the binary options trading platform itself is registered as an exchange.

To determine whether the platform is registered as an exchange, you can check the SECЂ™s website regarding Exchanges . 3. Check to see if the binary options trading platform is a designated contract market. To determine whether an entity is a designated contract market, you can check the CFTCЂ™s website . Ђў Finally, before investing, use FINRAЂ™s BrokerCheck and the National Futures AssociationЂ™s Background Affiliation Status Information Center (BASIC) to check the registration status and background of any firm or financial professional that you are considering. If you cannot verify that they are registered, donЂ™t trade with them, donЂ™t give them any money, and donЂ™t share your personal information with them. Trading Nadex Binaries Part Time and at Night. Do you need 8 hours a day to trade Nadex Binaries? Find out how you can easily trade Nadex Binaries in the evening or just find quick scalping opportunities throughout the day. Intraday Binary expirations with Nadex make it very easy to trade part time. Webinar Topics To Be Discussed: What markets can I trade at night?

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