Saturday, March 3, 2018

Weekly options trading living

The 5 Most Effective Weekly Options Trading Strategies. In Part 1 of The Weekly Options Mastery Report we discuss The 5 Most Effective Options Trading Strategies intelligent traders are using to generate weekly profits (read below). Stay tuned for Part 2 where we discuss how to easily and efficiently identify attractive weekly options trade candidates every day… Weekly options provide traders with the flexibility to implement short-term trading strategies without paying the extra time value premium inherent in the more traditional monthly expiration options. Thus traders can now more cost-effectively trade one-day events such as earnings, investor presentations, and product introductions. Flexibility is nice and all, but you are probably asking yourself, what specific strategies should I use to generate weekly profits from weekly options? Well I’m so glad you asked let’s take a look now at 5 Most Popular Weekly Options Trading Strategies: 1. Covered Weekly Calls : Looking to generate some extra premium income in your portfolio? Well look no further, I have the method for you: Weekly Options Covered Calls. In essence, what you are looking to do in this method to is to sell weekly call options against existing stock holdings (covered calls) or purchase shares and simultaneously sell weekly call options against the new stock holding (buy-write). The weekly expiration of the sold call options allow you to collect additional income on your position, similar to a dividend but paying out each week. Over time the covered call method has outperformed simple buy-and-hold strategies, providing greater returns with two-thirds the volatility. However if shares of the underlying move meaningfully higher and through the sold strike, your return will likely be lower than if you didn’t sell the calls (though still positive. ). We use this unique trading tool to screen for potential weekly covered call candidates and post a sampling of our trades each week so stay tuned. 2. Because of the exponentially high time decay in weekly options, most traders prefer to sell weekly options and understandably so. In the covered call method highlighted above traders are able to collect the rapid time decay by selling the weekly calls against a long stock position. Selling naked puts, in theory (put-call parity) is equivalent to a buy-write method though skew and margin requirements alter the picture a bit. I guess what I’m trying to say is, all things being equal I’d prefer to sell weekly options, however there are times when I’d like to purchase weekly options for the potential to experience larger, potentially uncapped gains.

Under these circumstances I recommend purchasing deep-in-the-money (DITM) weekly options . Focusing on DITM weekly options, options with a delta in excess of. 80% you can effectively limit the rapid time decay in the long weekly option as the high delta causes the long weekly option position to act move like stock (delta of 0.80 means the option will move $0.80 for every $1.00 move in the underlying). This is a phenomenal way to take advantage of option leverage and limit decay. 3. Credit spreads are popular because they allow traders to sell upside (call spreads) or downside (put spreads) levels with a locked-in risk-reward from the trade outset. For instance say you believe stock XYZ will not move above the $80 level over the next week and you’d like to express this thesis in the form of weekly options. One way to do this is to simply sell the $80 weekly call option. Unfortunately without the underlying stock, this weekly call option sale would require a substantial amount of margin within your portfolio, as the maximum potential loss on the trade is theoretically infinite. However, you can reduce the max potential loss and margin requirement by simply purchasing a higher strike call (i. e. $85) to hedge your short weekly call position. You would then be short the $80-$85 weekly call spread in XYZ, having collected net premium with a max loss potential of the strike width ($85-$80) – (collected premium). 4. Out-of-the-Money (OTM) : Otherwise known as “lottery tickets”, traders at times like to purchase way out of the money weekly options in hopes that a tiny investment could yield enormous returns. It happens, don’t get me wrong, but this method generally entails weeks and weeks of small losses and ideally a huge win to make up for the cumulative losses. The “lottery ticket” method is oftentimes used in cases of M&A speculation, FDA Announcements, and outsized earnings predictions. 5. Weekly Options Calendar Spreads : The Options Trading Signals guys do a pretty good job of covering calendar spreads in the Profitable Options Strategies report but here’s a nice summary of the weekly options calendar spread method from a recent OTS report: One of the new opportunities presented by the arrival of these recently available weekly options is the ability to trade what I call “hit and run” calendar spreads. Remember that a calendar spread is a two-legged spread constructed by selling a shorter dated option and buying a longer dated option.

The profit engine is the relatively faster decay of time premium in the shorter dated option. Calendar spreads reliably achieve their maximum profitability at the expiration Friday afternoon of the short leg when price of the underlying is at the strike price. Prior to the recent availability of these weekly options, calendar spreads were typically constructed with around 30 days to expiration in the short leg. In these classically constructed calendars, risks are two: 1. Movement of price of the underlying beyond the limits of profitability. 2. Volatility crush of the longer dated option which the trader owns. Hit and run calendars differ in risk somewhat. Volatility moves rarely occur at anywhere close to the rapid pace of price movement. Because of this characteristic, the primary risk in these short duration calendars is price of the underlying. The occasional occurrence of spiked volatility in the short option significantly increases the probability of profitability as the elevated volatility decays to zero at expiration. One of the very liquid underlyings that has actively traded options is AMZN. At mid day August 29, AMZN was at $205.50 and continuing to trend higher from a basing pattern. A quick look at the options board showed the weekly 210 strike option, having 4 days of life left and consisting entirely of time (extrinsic) premium, was trading at a volatility of 42.9% while the September monthly option I would buy had a volatility of 41.6%. This situation is called a positive volatility skew and increases the probability of a successful trade. I entered the trade and owned the resulting P&L graph: I continued to monitor the price, knowing that movement beyond the bounds of my range of profitability would necessitate action.

By mid day on August 31, 48 hours into the trade, the upper limit of profitability was being approached as shown below: Because price action remained strong and the upper breakeven point was threatened, I chose to add an additional calendar spread to form a double calendar. This action required commitment of additional capital and resulted in raising the upper BE point from 218 to a little over 220 as shown below. Hit and run calendars must be aggressively managed there is no time to recover from unexpected price movement. Shortly after adding the additional calendar spread, AMZN retraced some of its recent run up and neither BE point of the calendar was threatened. I closed the trade late Friday afternoon. The indication to exit the trade was the erosion of the time premium of the options I was short to minimal levels. The results of the trade were a return of 67.5% on maximum allowable managed capital risk and a return of 10.6% on committed capital. If the second calendar had not been needed to control risk, the returns would have been substantially higher. This is just one example of the use of options in a structured position to control capital risk and return significant profit with minimal position management. Such opportunities routinely exist for the knowledgeable options trader. Comments on this entry are closed. Get smart with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIYthemes. Weekly options trading living Weekly options have become a stalwart among options traders.

Unfortunately, but predictable, most traders use them for pure speculation. But thatЂ™s okay. As most of you know, I mostly deal with high-probability options selling strategies. So, the benefit of having a new and growing market of speculators is that we have the ability to take the other side of their trade. I like to use the casino analogy. The speculators (buyers of options) are the gamblers and we (sellers of options) are the casino. And as well all know, over the long-term, the casino always wins. Why? Ђ¦because probabilities are overwhelmingly on our side. So far, my statistical approach to weekly options has worked well. I introduced a new portfolio (we currently have 4) for Options Advantage subscribers in late February and so far the return on capital has been slightly over 25%. IЂ™m sure some of you may be asking, what are weekly options. Well, in 2005, the Chicago Board Options Exchange introduced ЂњweeklysЂќ to the public.

But as you can see from the chart above, it wasnЂ™t until 2009 that the volume of the burgeoning product took off. Now ЂњweeklysЂќ have become one the most popular trading products the market has to offer. So how do I use weekly options? I start out by defining my basket of stocks. Fortunately, the search doesnЂ™t take too long considering weeklys are limited to the more highly-liquid products like SPY, QQQ, DIA and the like. My preference is to use the S&P 500 ETF, SPY. ItЂ™s a highly-liquid product and IЂ™m completely comfortable with the riskreturn SPY offers. More importantly, IЂ™m not exposed to volatility caused by unforeseen news events that can be detrimental to an individual stocksЂ™ price and in turn, my options position. Once IЂ™ve decided on my underlying , in my case SPY, I start to take the same steps I use when selling monthly options. I monitor on a daily basis the overboughtoversold reading of SPY using a simple indicator known as RSI. And I use it over various timeframes (2), (3) and (5). This gives me a more accurate picture as to just how overbought or oversold SPY is during the short-term.

Simply stated, RSI measures how overbought or oversold a stock or ETF is on a daily basis. A reading above 80 means the asset is overbought, below 20 means the asset is oversold. Again, I watch RSI on a daily basis and patiently wait for SPY to move into an extreme overboughtoversold state. Once an extreme reading hits I make a trade. It must be pointed out that just because the options I use are called Weeklys, doesnЂ™t mean I trade them on a weekly basis. Just like my other high-probability strategies I will only make trades that make sense. As always, I allow trades to come to me and not force a trade just for the sake of making a trade. I know this may sound obvious, but other services offer trades because they promise a specific number of trades on a weekly or monthly basis. This doesnЂ™t make sense, nor is it a sustainable and more importantly, profitable approach. Okay, so letЂ™s say SPY pushes into an overbought state like the ETF did on the 2 nd of April. Once, we see a confirmation that an extreme reading has occurred we want to fade the current short-term trend because history tells us when a short-term extreme hits a short-term reprieve is right around the corner. In our case, we would use a bear call spread. A bear call spread works best when the market moves lower, but also works in a flat to slightly higher market.

And this is where the casino analogy really comes into play. Remember, most of the traders using weeklys are speculators aiming for the fences. They want to take a small investment and make exponential returns. Take a look at the options chain below. I want to focus on the percentages in the far left column. Knowing that SPY is currently trading for roughly $182 I can sell options with a probability of success in excess of 85% and bring in a return of 6.9%. If I lower my probability of success I can bring in even more premium, thereby increasing my return. It truly depends on how much risk you are willing to take. I prefer 80% or above. Take the Apr14 187 strike. It has a probability of success (Prob. OTM) of 85.97%. Those are incredible odds when you consider the speculator (the gambler) has less than a 15% chance of success. ItЂ™s a simple concept that for some reason, not many investors are aware of. One Simple System to Win Nearly 9-out-of 10 Trades. Regular investors dream about these kinds of opportunities Ђ“ but few ever believe theyЂ™re real. Like dragons, the idea of making money on nearly 9-out-10 trades seems the stuff of legendЂ¦ or if real, reserved exclusively for the marketЂ™s slickest traders.

Yet, itЂ™s very real. And easily within the reach of regular investors. You can learn all about this safe, simple method Ђ“ and the next three trades shaping up right now Ђ“ by clicking this link here. Slay your own dragon Ђ“ Go here now. . Weekly options trading living Our unique method offers alerts and trade ideas four times per month, specializing in weekly options. The primary objective is positive returns on a consistent basis. Short-term investment ideas targeting double-digit results, best in the industry for weekly options. A great majority of our newsletter trade ideas are indeed profitable. Weekly options are not easy to trade, but our proprietary spread method has been proven to work on a consistent basis. However, please understand there will be losses. Ups & downs are inevitable. However, at the end of the day, at the end of the month, our portfolios will prevail with bottom line results far greater than other slow-paced strategies.

A majority of the special trade ideas here are option spreads, buying and selling credit spread and debit spreads. The goal is to maintain consistent ideas while keeping risk to a minimum. Research is the basis of each & every trade idea. Market conditions, stock valuations, option volatility, and upcoming events are just some of the focal points of the weekly research. Expert analysis has led to excellent trading results. WEEKLY OPTIONS method. Both bullish and bearish option positions may be taken. The intention is to offer profit strategies during long broad market rallies that last months or years. This newsletter also intends to profit during sharp or dramatic downturns in the market. Some of the best trade ideas have been during tumultuous times, when the market is dropping considerably. That is often when profits tend to outperform all expectations. Bottom line: this newsletter’s primary weekly options method is to profit during up markets AND down markets. As seasoned option traders, this newsletter expertise lies in analyzing fundamental indicators, reviewing technical charts, studying historical volatility, and understanding weekly economic reports.

Analyzing new information helps us predict short-term moves in individual stocks. These weekly trading strategies are now passed on to subscribers only. The best short-term trading ideas. Expert weekly options trading alerts, proven strategies for today’s markets. Stock options, derivatives of the underlying equity, are the focus from the weekly options list. Weekly options expiration occurs each Friday of the week. Option weeklys provide an opportunity for traders and investors alike. Investors may choose to buy or sell puts to protect a stock position. Fund managers may choose to buy index options to protect their entire portfolio. Traders may choose to buy or sell weekly options based on upcoming news or earnings announcements. Determining the right option trading strategies and specific stock to target has become an integral part of this weekly investment newsletter.

Choosing the best stock to trade has been a key element in this newsletters success! This is something this newsletter will excel at. One new excellent trade recommendation per week is offered. THE BEST SHORT-TERM TRADING IDEAS & STRATEGIES. Auto-trade available through: Confidence in the best weekly options method. First trade will be profitable or receive full first month refund. Weekly options trading living Trade Options Weekly no longer appears to be around, but there are people still providing the same basic method (e. g, 5Percent. If you do any amount of browsing on stocks and options you’ve seen ads for services that tout weekly percentage gains of several percent. I’ve never really been tempted to investigate these—I reflexively put them in the generic too-good-to-be-true category, but when Trade Options Weekly offered me a free trial I couldn’t resist. The first time I saw the weekly trades I gasped. While most of my option trades have riskreward ratios between 1:1 and 5:1 the risk reward of these trades is typically 50:1 to 100:1. So, for a best case profit of $1000 I would need to put $50K to $100K at risk. A sharp market move against your position could wipe out all your capital—a 100% loss, in 3 days. The minimum required capital to put at risk is not trivial—in order to make a meaningful profit after commissions and subscription costs are subtracted around $15K needs to be invested. A typical trade using this method would look like this: Trade time: 1-August-2012 12.57pm. SPY Weekly Options expiring 3-August-12. Sell: Put-133 for $.06. Buy: Put-132 for $.04. At a Credit of: $.02. Limit order good for the day.

With $15K in capital, you would buy 150 of these spreads. Assuming commission costs of $18 (eoption. com), and factoring in one fourth of your $149.95 Trade Options Weekly monthly subscription cost ($37.5) your best case profit would be $244.5 and your worst case loss would be $14.755K. Many of the Trade Options Weekly historical trades have only a $.01 credit, so the maximum profit on those would be $144.50. Commission costs would be much higher with many brokers (e. g., Fidelity: $127, optionsXpress: $239). The only happy ending for these trades is expiration out of the money. With these razor thin margins there’s no room for closing out your position early at a profit. Any sort of hedging method would almost certainly eat up all your possible profit. How risky is this trade? I don’t have intra-day data that far back, but SPY’s low on August 1 st ,2012 was 137.40, the day the position was created. So the short put (strike at 133) was at least 3.2% out the money when the trade was initiated. The red bars in the chart below show the days where the S&P500 has closed down more than 3.2% in a two day period. This isn’t particularly comforting… This particular trade did fine, but it had a bit of a scare. On the August 2 nd , with one day until expiration the S&P dropped as low as 135.58, the short put only 1.9% away from being in the money.

Drops of 1.9% in one day are more common—387 in the last 63 years. However most of those drops were concentrated in bear markets. Note how the frequency of these drops has increased over the decades. We’re not imagining that the overall volatility of the market is increasing. Most of the time, these trades will do fine, but if the market really does go south the position will be in trouble well before the short options go in-the-money. In this example, if SPY drops to 133.5 with one day to go your position will be in the red $2400 (assuming 150 spreads and 15 as the implied volatility). In most of these situations the mettle of your advisor will be critical. Will they get you out in time? If the market drop is fast and severe (e. g., overnight crash, terrorist attack, flash crash) there will be nothing to do—your positions will be blown out with no way to recover, your entire investment will be gone. Of course almost everyone would be hurt badly in that situation, but it’s easier to recover when you’re not starting from zero. I think this is not a good method, the riskreward ratio is bad. but it gives me an idea, how if the positions reversed to debit spread? buy 133put and sell 132put. You may loss more often, but one win should cover those losses.

HI Hendra, Your approach certainly would have much less risk. It could be discouraging to take a lot of 1 or 2% losses before having a winner. what about buying OTM options that are cheap that can gain 20-30% in $1 move in the underlying , where the strike is picked at the middle range of the underlying. for example, a delta of 0.1 on abc call that is around 0.1$, can double in price in a $1 move. off set the theta decay with a short position of equivalent value or a few percentage points more. Typically it’s tough to counterbalance the theta costs without losing the upside for you–or picking up a lot of tail risk if things blow up. Commissions would be a factor too, because you’d have to buy a lot of options to make it worth you’re while. Never hurts to paper trade something for a while to get a feel for it. Consider what happens if IVs blow up, that cause do some counter-intuitive things. in the end, no matter what the method, you get the risk free rate. I think I am totally lost here and I don’t know if I am reading this correctly… ” your best case profit would be $244.5 and your worst case loss would be $14.755K.” What you’re saying is that you are risking $15,000 to make a whopping $244.50 with the possibility of losing $14,755? Who, in their right mind, would make such a trade?! Hi Niel, No, you are reading things correctly. I did gasp when I first understood what they were promoting. The $244.50 is a 1.6% gain in a week, with 15K at risk.

Of course the shops promoting these strategies can show how their strategies have done well over recent history, don’t detail the worst case scenarios, and they extol the skills of the managers providing the trades. That’s wild! Thanks for replying back so quickly! Excellent. Thank you for the data, Vance. you must take into account the probability of making the $244.50. Would you risk the $15,000.00 if you had a 99.999% chance of making the $244.50. I would take that trade at those odds. The trick to a credit spread is in how you adjust the position when the market works against it. In my opinion less than 1 in 100 people have the will power to make the necessary adjustments. They will freeze like a deer in the headlights and hang on to hope that the price action will push the trade back into their favor. The method will survive for the long run in how you adjust the trade when the market starts to really kill you. Very few people will adjust a credit spread to a loss or take the loss and close it out. I am not even sure I have the will power to do this and I have played around with options for years. This is idiotic.

You are much better off with a Debit Spread for a 100 bucks, especially if you sell OTM call spread to finance your purchase, and you know the markets do not go up, especially at the top that they are in, parabollically …So your Credit Call Spreads are a safer short trade … trading weekly options for a living. trading weekly options for a living. This is a discussion on trading weekly options for a living. within the Home Trader forums, part of the Trading Career category Hi, T2W traders, Going forward, I hope to post the weekly options trades for the next couple of wks - . 2. Higher time frames (Weekly andor Monthly) have dominant trends - e. g., uptrend defined by upward sloping EMA(20) plus prices above the EMA(20) line. 3. I wait for a pull-back against the dominant trend. 4. I key off the M15M30 charts for entry. 5. I use At-the-Money options to maximize exploiting extrinsic time value. I do this by selling credit spreads. I use credit spreads about 90% of my trades. 6. Sometimes if the higher time frames are extraordinary in strength & momentum, I will use Out-of-the-Money options (calls if going upside) to pay a small debit per option - and try to maximize leverage & profitably if the BIG MOVE occurs before expiry of the weekly option. This is the #1 problem with buying Out-of-the-Money weekly options - all of the factors including the direction & magnitude & appearance of the BIG MOVE - must be perfect! Using OTM options require that i accept the possibility of 100% total loss of the debit - and may require a 2nd re-entry (to fire a 2nd "bullet" into the setup). Of course - the ADVANTAGE is if that ifwhen my analysis is correct, the profits can easily be 300% or more!

I use OTM debit trades about 10% of the time. Bought to Open HUM May4(23rd) $118 Put @ (-$0.45) Max ROM (+34.5%) in 1 wk. 4. A passion to measure one's well-being (or self worth) with increasing assets (or net worth). 5. A high internal valuation of accumulation >> consumption. 7. Learning to achieve financial freedom = trading profits (plus perhaps other income sources) is > than living expenses (monthly). 8. Learning to build wealth = actively allocate profit % to investment projects towards assets that appreciate andor generate income. Bought to Open HUM May4(23rd) $118 Put @ (-$0.45) Max ROM (+34.5%) in 1 wk. 2. Extract the extrinsic time value of the short (-1x) PCLN Jul1(3rd) $1210 Call option. 2. Extract the extrinsic time value of the short (-1x) PCLN Jul1(3rd) $1210 Call option. Weekly Options Strategies Has Placed 19 Trades This Year And Counting. Showing The Complete Trade History Of Each One. Let Our Options Algorithm Do The Heavy Lifting. Our #1 priority is you, the investor. We believe in our product and hold ourselves to the highest standards.

We truly care about your account as much as you do, which is why we do our best to offer a high-end options trading system. Our weekly options method has gone through a rigorous testing process which includes trading it live in our own accounts. Visit our trade list to see details on every trade placed since going live in January 2016. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. View Details On Every Trade Placed Since Inception. Full transparency on every trade placed since going live. Statements are available on request for verification purposes. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Trading futures & options involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Since Going Live: Profitability. The following represents returns seen using our Weekly Options method since we began trading live. Assumes a $10,000 account trading 1 options contract per trade. Includes $30 commission per round trip trade.

Does not include our one time licensing fee. YTD Performance 2016. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Since Going Live: Distribution Of Trades. Since going live, the following graphics show our weekly options strategies distribution of Full Profit , Partial Profit or Loss . Full Profit. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Since Going Live: Per Trade WinLoss Rates. The following data summarizes the winloss record of the weekly options trading system. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Join Others Using Our Weekly Options System. If you are tired of letting your emotions get in the way of your trading, consider our fully automated trading system.

Since Going Live: Monthly Breakdown Of Results. The following is a summary of every trade placed since we went live. Each month, only $10,000 is used for trading. This means that any gains above $10,000 can be removed from the account or gains could be reinvested in $10,000 increments. February 2016 Results. The volatility seen early in the month enabled us to collect a high amount of premium with each option sold, particularly during the early weeks of February when vol was still high. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The S&P 500 had an incredible March, rallying over 6%. Our options trading system managed to do very well in spite of a drop in volatility and therefore premiums collected. We beat the broader index by just over 1%. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. A solid performance during April netted a gain of about 3.00%. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. A solid performance during May netted a gain of about 4.60%. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. June is not over yet, but it is looking like we might have our first losing month since going live. As of 62716, the weekly options system is down slightly.

We survived the Brexit vote, so that’s a bit of silver lining. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Since Going Live: Maximum Draw Down. The following represents the Maximum Closing Trade to Closing Trade Draw Down seen using our Weekly Options method since we began trading live. Assumes a $10,000 account trading 1 options contract per trade. Includes $30 commission per round trip trade. Does not include our one time licensing fee. Maximum Draw Down: How Should This Data Be Used? Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Account Setup & Minimum Requirements. The following is a summary of account types supported, automated trading options & account minimums. Weekly Options method Key Features. Automated Options Trading.

Income Generation Algorithm. Traded By Developer. Traded Live Since January 2016. Trades During Bull & Bear Markets. Utilizes Bearish Call Spreads. Utilizes Bullish Put Spreads. Complete Trade History Posted. No Pattern Day Trading Requirements. Trades Credit Spreads To Limit Losses. Back-Tested 15 Years. High Probability Directional Algorithm.

Limits Emotions From Trading. 100% Technical Trading System. No Discretionary Trades. Monitor Trades With Smart Phone App (Apple & Android) Absolutely No Trading Experience Required. Statements Available Upon Request. Trades S&P 500 Emini Options. Trades The Most Liquid Futures Options. Very High Per Trade Win Rate. Has Outperformed The S&P 500 Since Going Live. Multiple Brokers To Choose From. Product Of Quant Algorithms. Minimum $10,000 Required.

Get Started Trading Options On Auto Pilot. The following five steps can usually be completed within 1 to 2 business days. It all starts by filling out our Contact Us Form . Reach out to us through the contact us form or send us an email. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Step 2: Auto-Execution or Text Alerts? You can either setup an account with one of our auto-execution brokers, or receive all trade alerts through text messages. Decide which option is best for you. Text alerts will be sent every time we enter a new trade. You will know exactly which option we sold and can place the trade in your own account. This does require a futures enabled account which allows for option spread trades.

Subscribe to our service and begin receiving new trade text alerts immediately. If you elect to have a broker auto-execute the trades, we will send them an on boarding email and they will reach out to you to begin account setup. Step 4: Trading Begins. Join Others Using Our Weekly Options System. If you are tired of letting your emotions get in the way of your trading, consider our fully automated trading system. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Futures & Options trading involve a substantial risk of loss and is not appropriate for everyone. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown. Options Trading for a Living. Becoming an options trader that buys and sells options is one way people trade for a living. The idea of making a living from being involved in the financial markets is the main attraction for most people when looking into trading.

Whether that means a full time income for a living or supplementing an income, the idea of doing that from home in less than a few hours a day is exciting to think about. But is it realistic? YES. The great part about the options market is that they are very flexible, in that there are so many ways to approach them. Benefits Of Options Trading. An options trader is able to take advantage of great leverage when they place trades through their online broker. As retail traders we only have access to limited funds, so we need to make sure we make good use of those funds and leverage is one method we can use to do so. Options allow us to control decent size positions for as little as a few hundred dollars. Imagine controlling one hundred shares of the stock Google for a fraction of the cost of actually owning the shares. That is exactly what stock options traders are able to do. Unlike day traders, you are not sitting in front of your monitor watching all the flashing quotes. You can view your charts once a day and decide if there is any options trade setting up. This is perfect for someone that is busy with another job, family commitments, or even enjoying retirement.

Trading for a living does not have to mean living to trade. That is one of the major drawbacks of day trading but is one of the many benefits of options trading. Options are the only instrument available that will allow you to profit from up, down, or sideways moving markets . This is powerful because it allows us to profit regardless of what the market is doing. This is very important for a trader looking to make a living from the markets and trading full time. Your risk is limited to the cost of the option. You can set up strategies where the risk of loss is minimized but the trade potential is extremely high. Every trader will tell you that capital preservation is job #1 for any trader. You can make money on premiums if you are an options seller. Many professional options traders who make a living trading these markets do so by banking the premiums by selling options. How Do You Become A Professional Options Trader. Getting involved in the options market is not a difficult process. Of course you have to find an online broker and have the funds available to trade but you can fit how to become an options trader into 3 different areas: Find an options trading system that gives very clear entry and exit points. One of the biggest mistakes traders make is to get into a trade without a plan.

Without a road map to follow, the emotional aspect of trading kicks in and mistakes can be made. With the Netpicks Options Fast Track system we have clear entries, targets and stops printed for us right on the charts. There is no guessing when to get in and out. Everything is outlined for us. With a system in place that puts the odds in our favor, we can trade with confidence. You can see below the exact options system I use when I made a 88% return on an options trading in GS . Find the markets that fit your trading style. Another big mistake I see traders make is to trade too many markets that they aren’t familiar with. The best part about options trading for a living is that they allow us to trade some of the high flying stocks like Apple and Google. Most successful traders that I work with trade the same stocks and ETF’s day in and day out, which really allows them to trade full time with confidence . There isn’t any stock scanning that needs to be done on a daily basis. Trading the same list of names allows the trader to get familiar with how those products move. If you are looking for high frequency, then consider more tech names like Apple and Netflix. If you are looking for less frequency, then you can always focus on ETF’s which allow you to get exposure to a whole basket of stocks. People often times shy away from looking into the stock market as a source of income because they think there is a high failure rate.

Like any other business, there will be people that struggle to succeed. One reason for this is they take on way too much risk. Regardless of your account size, you need to make sure you are using proper risk in your trading. This means making sure you spread out your account across different products instead of putting all your money in 1 or 2 positions. Any options trading success story you will read will tell you that managing your risk is one of the most vital things you can do as a trader. The more you can diversify, the smoother your equity curve will be. Trading options really allows us to diversify better than most products out there. We can trade more instruments because of the leverage that they offer. When you think of diversifying, also consider whether you should trade weekly options or even monthly. This will simply add to your trading repertoire and not have all your eggs in one basket. We can also use different options trading strategies that allow us to profit from different market conditions and trade full time for a living. Do Options Traders Make Money? That’s a questions I get asked a lot and the answer is, “it depends”.

Like trading in general, it is a meritocracy. You get out of it what you want and how your prepare to trade for a living, you must have many variables (such as the ones we talked about above) in line. Here is another trade I took with my options trading method. Some may say that $275 is not much to live on and that is true. This represents one trade. Options traders usually have several trades running and given that you can make money in any market condition, I think you can see the potential. Trading is a profession and the better you are prepared, the higher the odds of success will be. Take get you started, check out Netpicks Options Fast Track and let’s get you started options trading. Weekly options trading living In June of 2017 we ceased operation at Friday Option Trader and have transitioned all our members to our premiere service, SPX Option Trader. Please visit us at spxoptiontrader. com We have averaged over 50% per trade day trading SPX Weekly Options with only one trade per day.

We have a very unique approach in our intraday trading strategies. Each day we do one trade, and we are simply purchasing either a put or a call on the SPX or the SPY weekly options. Our weekly options trading method allows us to make extremely profitable trades with only a single trade per day. We trade highly volatile and highly liquid SPY and SPX weekly options. The market was transformed a few years ago, with the introduction of weekly options. Over the past year the introduction of Monday and Wednesday expiration has made the weekly options market a gold mine for those who have the knowledge on how to trade effectively. Our approach is unique as we only trade once per day. We are trading SPX and SPY weekly option contracts on the day before and day of expiration, so this is a highly risky and speculative approach. Our approach is not for everyone, it is risky as the option contracts we trade expire either the next day or the day we are trading. So there is always a chance that if a trade is a loser, it will be a 100% loser as it will expire worthless at the close.

However, such volatility also means huge returns for our winners, as our model portfolio shows. Often the greater the risk, the greater the potential gain, and that is true with our approach. We recognize that we could potentially lose 100% of our investment in any single trade, as is true with any option purchase. But as our model portfolio shows there is the potential for great rewards with this approach. We trade both In the Money and Out of the Money Put and Call contracts. We day trade SPX and SPY weekly options just before and on the day of expiration. We normally enter the trade within 5 minutes after the opening bell. We discuss what we are planning to do in our one of a kind SPX Daily Outlook that is sent to all our members daily. Our exit times vary based upon market conditions, but we are always out of the trade by the close of the day. Our members receive our newsletter each morning within minutes after the opening bell. We share the exact SPX and SPY option contract we are trading on that day, with % profit targets and % stops and key level forecasts for both the SPX and SPY. Click here for an example what our SPX Daily Outlook looks like. We also provide the SPX Spread Trader which is perfect for those who want precise entry and exit prices. Click here for an example of the SPX Spread Trader.

Our approach requires that a trader is prepared to purchase put and call option contracts and have the ability to respond quickly. We share what we will be doing in the day ahead, and how you respond is up to you. Some seek to mirror our trades, others seek to improve or even develop their own method using ours as a baseline. Some even use our comments and price targets to trade other markets such as binary options. The levels we share each day for the SPX and SPY are an invaluable resource for all day traders. Whatever your approach SPX Option Trader has the potential to change your life with only one trade per day, day trading SPY and SPX weekly options. Sign up today for a free-trial and see how SPX Option Trader can be of benefit to you! Weekly options trading living Our unique method offers alerts and trade ideas four times per month, specializing in weekly options. The primary objective is positive returns on a consistent basis. Short-term investment ideas targeting double-digit results, best in the industry for weekly options. A great majority of our newsletter trade ideas are indeed profitable. Weekly options are not easy to trade, but our proprietary spread method has been proven to work on a consistent basis. However, please understand there will be losses.

Ups & downs are inevitable. However, at the end of the day, at the end of the month, our portfolios will prevail with bottom line results far greater than other slow-paced strategies. A majority of the special trade ideas here are option spreads, buying and selling credit spread and debit spreads. The goal is to maintain consistent ideas while keeping risk to a minimum. Research is the basis of each & every trade idea. Market conditions, stock valuations, option volatility, and upcoming events are just some of the focal points of the weekly research. Expert analysis has led to excellent trading results. WEEKLY OPTIONS method. Both bullish and bearish option positions may be taken. The intention is to offer profit strategies during long broad market rallies that last months or years. This newsletter also intends to profit during sharp or dramatic downturns in the market. Some of the best trade ideas have been during tumultuous times, when the market is dropping considerably. That is often when profits tend to outperform all expectations.

Bottom line: this newsletter’s primary weekly options method is to profit during up markets AND down markets. As seasoned option traders, this newsletter expertise lies in analyzing fundamental indicators, reviewing technical charts, studying historical volatility, and understanding weekly economic reports. Analyzing new information helps us predict short-term moves in individual stocks. These weekly trading strategies are now passed on to subscribers only. The best short-term trading ideas. Expert weekly options trading alerts, proven strategies for today’s markets. Stock options, derivatives of the underlying equity, are the focus from the weekly options list. Weekly options expiration occurs each Friday of the week. Option weeklys provide an opportunity for traders and investors alike. Investors may choose to buy or sell puts to protect a stock position. Fund managers may choose to buy index options to protect their entire portfolio.

Traders may choose to buy or sell weekly options based on upcoming news or earnings announcements. Determining the right option trading strategies and specific stock to target has become an integral part of this weekly investment newsletter. Choosing the best stock to trade has been a key element in this newsletters success! This is something this newsletter will excel at. One new excellent trade recommendation per week is offered. THE BEST SHORT-TERM TRADING IDEAS & STRATEGIES. Auto-trade available through: Confidence in the best weekly options method. First trade will be profitable or receive full first month refund. Options Trading Systems. Additional Options trading Systems to Augment Your Performance. Learn one well and be able to perform one well before adding another.

Listed below are professional options trading systems, systems that are home study courses that teach you everything you’ll need to know in order to put your self in position for potential excellent long term trading success with potential exceptional returns. These systems are available to you for purchase. We make no promises on your personal success, because we’re not allowed to do so plus the successful performance of these systems will depend on your execution of these systems. But… we do make solid stuff! We designed these systems for our own trading for the bottom line purpose of making money, keeping it and growing it over time from the options market. We have a lot of systems and are now at the stage where we can let a few of them go so you could possibly share in our success as well. Below are a collection of several trading systems from our “Trading for a Good Living” philosophy stash. Click on the logo to follow the link to the respective site where you can find out about each trading system. Each trading system represents a different style of trading. We all tend to have a particular style of trading that fits our personality better than another.

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… Ingenious Options Trading Setup Provide High Strike Accuracy. Ingenious Options Trading Setup Provide High Strike Accuracy with BOLT2 Options Trading method Once you’ve been in this game as long as I have you see things out price … Quick Options Profits with BOLT2 Options method? Quick Options Profits with BOLT2 Options method? Yes it’s a trade and when are most trades are very quick because we trading micro swing trading method. But that’s not the … What is BOLT2? It’s a Micro Swing method where you can use the method to potentially pull cash from the options market at a high probability winning percent rate. …

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